Monday, December 1, 2008

December.....the best month in a year!

December 2nd... It is my parent's wedding anniversary day. I was the first person who noticed that wedding anniversary is coming soon. My plan was to cook delicious breakfast on Sunday, but I had forgotten. Today, I woke up in the morning to make breakfast, then I realized that it was time to go to school. When I came back, I didn't bring money, so I couldn't buy cake. On the evening, I started to make a fantastic hairband, combaning all my jewerlies, hair pins..... I spent 30 minutes to make that tiny little thing...(Hew...I hope she likes it...)... I thought my mother would like shiny objects, so I put shiny twinkling hair gel onto my hair band. Tomorrow when we have our dinner outside, I am going to give it to my my mom, and take a photo of her smiling at the present I gave her.

Another event that is unique about December is, December is a snowing season! In most countries, they start snowing from November or December.(In my case-Korea- is December...) I haven't seen snow since when I was third grade. I have so much memories with my counsins playing with snow. My best memory in Korea is going to a snow park. I couldn't ride the ski, so I just had to play with snow slide. (Still... I can't ride ski...) I had forgotten the feelings in the snow because I was young... Also, winter is my favorite season!

I know this is childish, but I have memories getting a present from Santa Claus. When I was 4, I got my favorite doll, 5years old, I received a small notebook and when I was 10, I got a set of water crayon. I hadn't received any present from (imaginary) Santa since I was in Malaysia... There are also winter breaks during December! The winter breaks are long in Korea, so my counsin often visit Malaysia during winter breaks. (twice in 4 years...) I can have a relaxful and exciting holiday in winter break.

So, DECEMBER is my BEST month in a year!!